Welcome Survivors to the official ZSGO Discord Server! 🧟‍♂️ As the world falls to zombies, a beacon of hope and camaraderie rises here. This is your prime hub for all things ZSGO. Connect with fellow survivors, discuss strategies, get the latest updates straight from the devs, and maybe even form your own apocalyptic dream team.

As we gear up for ZSGO’s exciting developments, we’re inviting you to be a part of the journey. Join the conversation, share your epic tales, and help shape the future of the game. Discord is the best tool for us to tap into the community and discover what you all really want to see in our video game.

Come join us in the Discord! We spend way too much time in there and would love it if you joined us.


Our community’s support fuels the apocalypse-surviving energy behind ZSGO. If you’re eager to bolster our mission further, consider checking out our Patreon for exclusive rewards and behind-the-scenes content. Or, head to the Steam Store to dive directly into the ZSGO universe.

Every bit of support helps us craft a richer, more immersive survival experience for all. Together, let’s redefine the survival genre!

Free Steam Beta Demo

The Demo is currently in Beta coming soon to our Steam page for FREE. Grab a Free key in the discord server by opening a ticket!

Discord Community Focused

We have been using Discord since the day it dropped. It has been ESSENTIAL for keeping in contact with friends and building communities. We hope to leverage Discord to keep in touch with YOU and the ZSGO community, helping guide us through the development process!

ZSGO discord server join call to action.

Click the big blue Discord button at the top of the screen, stop by, and say hi! Or you know… just click here.

Referral System For Saving Money

We’re toying with a fresh concept to amplify our Discord community! Imagine nudging your buddies about ZSGO and sharing our Discord link with them. In return, for every pal who hops in, you could score a discount on the game—maybe between 1-5% (we’re still fine-tuning the specifics). It’s an idea in its infancy, but who knows? We might just bring it to life! Keep those eyes peeled and ears open. 😉

Community-Centric Development

Community input drives our development approach to improve existing content, add new features, and foster healthy gameplay. With your guidance, we hope to serve the best features that make the game enjoyable and immersive while changing and removing those that counter ZSGO’s vision.

We are not only seeking funding to help achieve our goals but also any feedback to help deliver a game that the community will love!

ZSGO main menu with a man sitting in a chair.
An overhead shot of the prison with guard zombies.
Indie Game Developer Level Designing Rooftop with Tent
Looks like someone has set up camp here before.

Share Our Values

Even if you are unable to contribute to our indie game funding via Patreon or Kickstarter, if you share this with your friends and let them know – it would help our small team out more than you know! Here are some social media platforms you can follow us on below: