Featuring our new Only Up inspired ZSGOingUP map.
by Dev Ear in

HOWDY everyone, and welcome back to another development blog for ZSGO! In this blog, we’ll catch you up on everything happening. As mentioned in Dev Blog #12, the Demo is officially up and running! The Demo is in a CLOSED Beta, so the best way to be able to play is by participating in our Discord Giveaways. We host them often and it isn’t always a game key, like the ZSGOingUP giveaway, which I will get back to in a second.

First Patches

Not only has the demo been up and running for a bit, it has been a BLAST. A few nights ago we decided to have a late-night play session with some lucky Demo Beta giveaway winners, and it was a great time.

The community has been EXTREMELY helpful with finding bugs and giving suggestions. This was a huge driving force behind our recent patch. Below you can see our most recent patch!

You can find the updated patch notes in our Discord HERE.

Discord Giveaways

As mentioned earlier, the Discord Giveaways have been phenomenal so far! This is the main way we are funneling demo beta keys to the community, so be sure to stop by and grab yours!

Of course, there’s more than just Demo Keys being given away. We’ve had a few lucky winners get the opportunity to not only name a street, but an ENTIRE BUILDING in the main world of ZSGO. For years to come, players will see this permanent mark from one of the first supporters of ZSGO.

This isn’t all for the creative giveaways. Something even more epic is brewing behind the scenes. This giveaway will be focused on our new minigame, included with the Demo Beta Key, ZSGOingUP. What is ZSGOingUP you ask?


ZSGOingUP is a little something that we decided to throw together so that we could get some competition brewin’! This game mode is inspired by games like Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy and Only Up! You start at the bottom of a massive sky-bound obstacle course and are tasked with climbing all the way to the top. Be careful not to fall, though, the game mode is not very forgiving. There’s also a bit of a survival twist, so be sure to stay on your toes.

The ZSGOingUP game mode is in its infant stages and we highly recommend playing it in a single-player session.

Welp, if you made it this far, then you deserve to hear about the new giveaway. A ZSGOingUP competition!!! We added a start and finish timer, so survivors will be able to time how long it takes them to get to the top. The winner will get something special involving a little sprinkle of level design. Shhhhhh, don’t tell anyone! By the way, if you don’t have a demo key yet, open a ticket and say, “Blog 13“, I’ll be sure to get you one for making it this far. 😉

In Conclusion

The community is growing day by day and we are all stoked for everyone to experience ZSGO. Be sure to head over to the Discord and join us, it’s always a blast. Also, keep an eye out on the Steam store page for updates!

Thank you for your continued support, and we can’t wait to see you in ZSGO!

P.S. Our trailer is also now officially LIVE! You can check it out here.

Zombie Survival Game Online's, Dev Ear, sitting in a chair by a fire.
Howdy survivors!
I'm Dev Ear and I mainly handle the gameplay loop, web development, and Discord! I have also been surviving online FPS games for 10+ years. I have probably briefly touched every survival fps game you can think of.
The current survival fps drought means that it’s time for our team to step in and create what everyone has been waiting for!
Besides game development, I like making music and every now and then touching some grass. Since release, it's been nothing but ZSGO however. Can't wait to see what the game evolves into!
See you all in ZSGO!

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One Comment

 by Dev Gibby in August 20, 2023

Let's goooo!

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